Welcome to the leading company NEXPO
Education Support
Gallery of the education field
Providing services such as dispatching a site technical supervisor, support of test working, test service, etc.
교육현장 Gallery
Customized education
The education curriculum consists of a basic or intermediate course, and we meet customers' requirements for various technical training through a separate integrated course.

Proceeding with customized education
NEXPO Co., Ltd. offers both ordinary and customized education in order to introduce our products and provide our customers with opportunities by professional technology education.
In-house education
NEXPO provides optimized products and solutions of the protection relay that is applied to both domestic and overseas electric power systems and plants, and switch gear. Practical training is available using the test and demo equipment along with theory education on the protection relay.
Education curriculum
Our education curriculum consists of basic or ntermediate courses, and we meet customers' requirements for various technical education through a separate integrated course. Should youhave any needs for training and ecducation, please contact our education manager to apply.
Education Application
1. Application for training |
- Filling out the traning application form |
- Contact address |
TEL : +82 31 739 9200 / FAX : +82 31 739 9299 |
2. General Training costs |
- Beginning / Intermediate level training : 1 person/1 day - 200,000KRW |
- lntegrated training : 1 person / 1 day - 300,000KRW |
(Surtax is excluded) |
3. Confirmation |
- Email reply |
4. Place of education |
- 1106, Woolim Lion's Valley rd Bld, 24, 388Gil, Dunchondaero, Jungwon-Gu, Seongnam-Si, Kyeonggi-Do, Korea (13403) |
Education curriculum
과정명 | 코스 | 교육기간(일) | 일정 | 교육 내용 | 비고 |
보호계전기 Course.I VAMP Relay |
초급 | 1 | 매월 2째주 화요일(접수 필요) |
○ 디지털보호계전기 일반 ○ VAMP Local Setting ○ VAMPSET Engineering |
중급 | 2 | 접수 후 일정조율 | ○ 디지털보호계전기 일반 ○ 보호이론 기초 ○ 전동기 보호 기초 |
○ 변압기 보호기초 ○ VAMP Local Setting ○VAMP57, VAMP200 Overview ○ VAMPSET Engineering |
보호계전기 Course.II MiCOM Relay |
초급 | 1 | 매월 2째주 수요일(접수 필요) |
○ 디지털보호계전기 일반 ○ MiCOM Local Setting ○ S1 Studio Engineering |
중급 | 2 | 접수 후 일정조율 | ○ 디지털보호계전기 일반 ○ 보호이론 기초 ○ 전동기 보호 기초 |
○ 변압기 보호기초 ○ MiCOM Local Setting ○ MiCOM Px30, Px40 Overview ○ S1 Studio Engineering |
아크보호시스템 | - | 1 | 접수 후 일정조율 | ○ 아크보호이론 기초 ○ 아크보호시스템의 구성요소 및 적용 ○ 아크사고 보호 시연 |
전력감시시스템(ECMS) 통합과정 |
초급 | 2~3 | 별도 협의 | -보호계전기 초급 + 시스템 구성 및 엔지니어링 | |
중급 | 3~4 | 별도 협의 | -보호계전기 중급 + 시스템 구성 및 엔지니어링 + 보호반 시험 |